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Navigating a complex digitalized world - Larry Todd Wilson, Charles A. Snyder - 2018: Money Today, Seoul, Korea

Articulating Critical Knowledge Areas - 2015: Knowledge Retention: Protecting Corporate Memory - Ark Group

Knowledge Transfer in a Digital World - 2010: The Conference Board’s Research Working Group -- Knowledge Transfer in a Digital World: Using New Media Across Generations and Geographies

Knowledge Harvesting During the Big Crew Change - 2008: Knowledge Retention: Strategies and Solutions (book), Jay Liebowitz

Passing on Know-How - 2008: HR Magazine, June 2008, Vol. 53, No. 6

Implicit Knowledge - 2008: Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2008) 6, 23–25

Chevron’s Tracy Boval Moves on From Aviation (Knowledge Harvesting) - 2007: The Armhurst Jet Fuel Report, September 2007

Knowledge Harvesting Translates Implicit Knowledge to Assets - 2007: APQC, 2007

What Works: Acing the Exit Interview - 2004: Business 2.0 (magazine), May 2004

Assessing the Business Value of Knowledge Retention Projects: Results of Four Case Studies - 2004: 2004 IFIP International Conference on Decision Support Systems

The Knowledge Management Imperative - 2004: Decision Support Systems (DSS) 2004 Conference Proceedings, 2004

Accelerating the Convergence of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Information Technology and Cognitive Science - 2002: National Science Foundation: Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, pp.154-158 June 2002

After the Gold Rush: Harvesting Corporate Knowledge Resources - 2001: Intelligent KM feature article, 2001

Gathering Knowledge While It's Ripe, Knowledge Management Magazine, April 2001

Knowledge Management Technology Review - 2001 INSEAD CALT, 2001

How to Protect Knowledge from Walking out the Door: Guess what George is taking with him? - 2000: Workforce Magazine, 2000

Knowledge Harvesting: the Impetus for Next-generation Knowledge Management - 2000

Stories at Work: Story Triggers - 1999

Putting Quality in Knowledge Management: The Quality Professional’s Role in Corporate Memory Management - 1999: AQSC Quality Progress, January 1999

Knowledge Management and IT: How Are They Related? - 1999: IT Pro, March, April 1999

Linking Knowledge Management and Data Warehousing: A Conceptual Discussion - 1999: Proceedings, SAIS '99

Networks and the Diffusion of Knowledge Management, 1999 Proceedings, Decision Sciences International (DSI)

An Organizational Learning Process Model - 1999: Proceedings, 20th McMaster Business Conference, 3rd World Conference on Intellectual Capital, CDROM #17. Canada. 1999

Knowledge Harvesting Case Studies - 1999: Proceedings, 20th McMaster Business Conference, 3rd World Conference on Intellectual Capital CDROM #17. Canada. 1999

A Quick Primer for Disseminating OL Theory into Organizational Culture - 1999: Proceedings, SAIS '99. 96-102. 1999

Knowledge management: Present status and future directions - 1998: Proceedings, SAIS 1998

The Process of Knowledge Harvesting: The Key to Knowledge Management - 1998: BIT98 Conference. Manchester, England. Book: Manchester, UK. 1998

Knowledge Management - A Proposed Process Model - 1998: 1998 Proceedings, Association for Information Systems Americas Conference

Technology advances supporting electronic performance support systems - 1997: Proceedings, SOR'97, Jena, Germany. 1997

Computer Augmented Learning: The Basis of Sustained Knowledge Management - 1997: Proceedings, SMISA - 1997

The Future of Software: An Evolutionary Perspective - 1997: Silicon Valley North

How to speed up the rate of diffusion of your customers' innovations! - 1997: Buckman Laboratories, 1997

The Value of Knowledge Transfer - 1997: Leadership Community, Steelcase Corporate Headquarters, 1997


The Tip of the Iceberg: Implications of AI for Associations - 2019 CESSE CEO Meeting. Matt Loeb, Christina Colclough, John Havens. 26 February

Codifying Cognitive Tasks: A Core Priority for Cognitive Applications Teams - 2017: AI World Conference & Expo, Boston MA. 3-5 December

20 Years … in 20 Minutes: Personal Reflections about Knowledge Transfer - 2014: Schlumberger Riboud Product Center (SRPC). 27 May

Local Knowledge Harvesting (Keynote) - 2011: International Knowledge Economy Conference (ICKE), East London, South Africa. 24-28 October

Interactive Peer-to-Peer Session: Moving Forward with Interoperability: Steps and Resources to Ensure Your Success - 2010: Smart Grid Interoperability Summit, Toronto. 16 June

Building a Framework to Maximize Knowledge Transfer - 2010: Canadian Asset Management Planning for Sustainable Infrastructure (CAMPSI) - 2010, Toronto. 14 April

Moving from Concept to Smart Grid Infrastructure: Practical Tools, Information - 2010

Resources, and Methods for Systematically Developing a Roadmap - 2010: Smart Electricity World Asia 2010, Singapore. 6 April

Fundamental Concepts of Knowledge Transfer - 2010: Knowledge Transfer in a Digital World: The Conference Board Research Working Group, New York City, webcast. 9 March

Expert Knowledge Transfer: Solving Strategic Challenges, Setting the Stage for Next-Generation Management Systems - 2009: Houston. APQC’s 14th Knowledge Management Conference. 14 May

Knowledge Harvesting Competencies and Professionalism - 2008: International Conference on Knowledge Management, Columbus, Ohio. 23 October

Building an Online Community of Practice - 2007: Society for Technical Communication: 54th Annual Conference (Technical Communication Summit 2007), Sharing Corporate Knowledge Institute. 16 May

Strengthening and Accelerating the Delivery of Cyber Security Know-how - 2005: APQC's Tenth Knowledge Management Conference, ST. Louis, MO. 6 May

Building a Knowledge Reserve - 2002: Enterprise Learning and Knowledge Exchange, Palm Springs, CA. 13 March

Knowledge Harvesting In Action - 2000: Lucent Technologies Knowledge-Sharing Summit 2000. Holmdel, NJ + global net viewing. 27 September

Harvesting eProcess Know-how - 2000: The Delphi eBusiness Summit 2000. Coronado, California. 9 May

Conference Workshop - Capturing Tacit Knowledge - 1999: International Knowledge Management Summit East, Reston, VA. October

Practical Aspects of Developing Knowledge Assets + How are Knowledge Assets Created? - 1999: International Knowledge Management Summit, the Delphi Group. San Diego, CA. 31 March

A Roadmap for the Convergence of Human Resource Management & Knowledge Management - 1999: Bridgeman Institute Conference: Orlando, Florida. 10 March

Putting Quality in Knowledge Management - 1999: Chemical Manufacturers Association, Washington, DC. 15 March

Knowledge Harvesting in Action - 1999: PC DOCS Fulcrum DOCSummit. Orlando Florida. 15 February

Creating Intellectual Assets from Human Capital: Applying Knowledge Harvesting as a Competitive Strategy - 1999: 20th Annual McMaster Business Conference. 20 January

Knowledge Harvesting & Knowledge Assets - 1998: Intellectual Capital Management, Stockholm & Helsinki, Skandia Future Center: Voxholm. 26 June

Launching the Global Knowledge Innovation Infrastructure: The Role of Technology - 1998: Banff Management Center: Banff, Alberta, Canada. 18 November

Buckman Laboratories “Work Profiles” Software Application - 1998: Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 2nd Annual International Conference: Basel, Switzerland. 29 October

Knowledge Harvesting in Action: Using KM to Create Corporate Memory - 1998: Empower 1998 Best Practice Case Study, Knowledge Management Expo. Chicago. 14 October

How to Find, Capture and Leverage Your Organization's Important Know Know-how - 1997: Creating an Entrepreneurial Corporation Conference. Chicago. 30 May

Knowledge Management Workshop - 1997: Southern Management Information Systems Conference. 10 April

Introduction to LearnerFirst's Know-how Harvesting - 1997: American Productivity & Quality Center, Knowledge Transfer Day. Houston. 18 March

Knowledge Management Processes - 1997: The Austin Dialogue on Knowledge Management Conference, MCC, Austin. 11 March

Managing Knowledge - 1997: Association of Information Systems Conference. 16 August

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